Report Dracula Rookie Fest 2023

Exciting news for all you snowboarding fans out there! We are thrilled to announce the results for the second edition of the World Rookie Tour in Romania for 2023. It has been an absolute pleasure to host this incredible event, and we are proud to have given young talented riders their first contest experience.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the results. In the men’s overall category, first place goes to Patric Ilut , followed  by Razvan Andrei Varga  in second place, and Alex Noro in third. In the women’s category, we have Jessy Zainea  taking home first place, with Anda Carpov  in second, and Maya Rus  in third.

We were blown away by the skill, talent, and dedication that all of the riders displayed throughout the competition.  Every single rider should be proud of their performance. We have no doubt that we will see many of these riders go on to achieve great things in the world of snowboarding.

We want to extend our deepest thanks to everyone who made this event possible, including our sponsors, volunteers, and of course, the incredible riders who participated. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Congratulations again to all the winners, and to everyone who took part in the second edition of the World Rookie Tour in Romania for 2023. You are all winners in our eyes, and we can’t wait to see what you all achieve in the future. #WorldRookieTour #SnowboardingResults #YoungTalents #FirstContestExperience #SnowboardingChampions.

We are pleased to report that the DRACULA ROOKIE FEST competition was successfully organized on the 4th of March. our team put in a lot of effort to make this event happen. We are happy to say that the competition was a huge success, and we received a lot of positive feedback from the participants and spectators alike.

Photogallery here

Download here the results

Photo Credits: @marchis.catalin
Video Credits: @alinmoldovanbmx