WSF support a series of Banked Slalom events in North America, Europe and Asia. The most classic of the snowboard format is back on snow and everybody is welcomed to join the fun.

3.4 march 2012
Resort: Tenjindaira (1h and 30 min. drive from Tokyo)
Matt and Temple Cummins Brothers will be the special guest of the event!
for more info drop a mail to Ishi at
18 March 2012
Free registration, gifts and pictures for all the partecipants, prizes in snowboard equipment Nitro and Protest for the winners in each category, salami and cheese snack for everybody offered by Neuro Shock Snowboard Store, a super fun banked slalom course will ensure a great day for all the riders: Obereggen Banked Slalom will be the snowboard event of the year for the Ski Center Latemar!
Get your spot for the Obereggen Banked Slalom directly Sunday morning 18th March at the Snowpark House! Get your number and free gifts and enjoy the funniest event of the season: 2 runs each rider to challenge for the official event rank in each age group. The helmet is mandatory to compete!
15° annual Neil Edgeworth Memorial Banked Slalom – Canada
Big White Ski Resort, Canada
23.24.25 March 2012
Big White is proud to host & celebrate the 15th year of the Neil Edgeworth Memorial Banked Slalom Event. Last year we hosted a record number of riders so make sure that you e-mail early to get a spot in this year’s event. We will be having a huge 15th Annual celebration party at the Loose Moose Cafe at the Happy Valley Day Lodge on Saturday night after the dinner banquet. E-mail and get your name on the list! We just need your name, age and what category you want to ride. Limited spots so R.S.V.P. NOW!!! Helmets are mandatory for all competitors.
The Banked Slalom is held off the Ridge rocket on the gully to the right of the chairlift and continues on to the run Speculation to finish. There will need to be some cat work done on Speculation, as well as the steep pitch before heading in to the gully. Last year we had over 250 competitors and we expect more this year. There will be huge celebration party and dinner banquet on the Saturday the 24th at Happy Valley, all staff is welcome to race in this event, if they work the day of, we can squeeze them in on their lunch break.